Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety Therapy

“Worry is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength¬—carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength. ~ Corrie ten Boom

This is a great quote for most people who slip into some normal worry from time to time. However, this does not help you if you suffer from an anxiety disorder. People who struggle with this disorder cannot simply turn it off and move on. They are not people who have temporary worry or fear. Anxiety disorders impact our relationships, our job, and our schoolwork and more. They cause significant distress and/or impairment that interferes with many areas of our life. Social anxiety interferes with normal routines related to social life, school, work or other activities.

This kind of anxiety is excessive and unreasonable but often to the one suffering from this disorder it can be debilitating. Maybe you have Panic Disorder- a sudden gripping fear, feeling out of control, intense worrying about when the next panic attack will come, fear or avoidance where this usually happens or has happened in the past. You may avoid situations that might expose you to that which is most anxiety producing. This reinforces maladaptive coping and keeps you imprisoned. Regardless of how your anxiety shows up, there is relief and a way of managing it.

For more information or to make an appointment, please call our Denton Office  940-202-9107; email us at or text us at 940-202-9107